Get Virtual Learning Help at Our Westminster Day Care | Celebree School

This school year has many unexpected demands and challenges. If you need help managing them all, Celebree School® of Westminster is here for you. We are happy to offer a new day care program, available in Westminster and other nearby areas, specifically designed to support school-age children who are virtual learners. Our new program allows you to rest assured your son or daughter is continuing to grow and develop academically and socially in a safe, healthy environment. 

What to Expect with Our School-Age Day Care Program

Celebree School of Westminster is excited to offer our new day care program for elementary-age children. Our program provides guidance from experienced teachers, as well as the quiet time your son or daughter needs to complete their school work each day. It also follows mandates from the Maryland State Department of Education and includes:

  • Small classes with one teacher and 14 students.
  • A personal locker where your child can place their belongings during the day.
  • A private work station that gives your son or daughter their own area in which to listen, learn and get school work done. 
  • Personal supplies, including colored pencils, pencils, a sharpener, crayons, Post-its and more, provided in a basket on their work station.

In terms of technology, we do ask parents to send in their child’s tablet or laptop, including headphones and a charger. That way, they can comfortably and quietly log onto their school’s online learning platform without issue. We also ask you to send in any other supplies your son or daughter might need to complete their school work, such as a notebook, folders or a calculator.

Keeping Children Safe in Our Westminster Day Care

Turn to Celebree School of Westminster for a day care program that provides your virtual learner with educational support in a clean, safe setting.  We require daily temperature checks, regular hand washing, physical distancing and face coverings for teachers. We also carefully and routinely wash and sanitize each room and high touch surface areas throughout the day, maintaining a high level of cleanliness in the process.

Despite this challenging season, together, we’ll ensure your child remains on track and continues to learn and grow with our school-age day care program, available in:

To find out more or enroll your child in Celebree School of Westminster’s day care, contact our team at (410) 871-1334 as soon as possible. Space is limited!