The Safe Choice in Clarksburg for Child Care | Celebree School

Celebree School® of Germantown is your local learning center that puts safety first. With our child care programs, open to families in Clarksburg, Germantown and other nearby areas, we offer an environment that is sparkling clean and secured by state-of-the-art technology. At the same time, our teachers are warm and caring and our curriculum customized and fun, giving children everything they need to thrive. 

Our Child Care Center’s Approach to Safety & Security

In these uncertain times, you need to know your son or daughter is in a place you feel confident in and comfortable with. You demand cleanliness and hygiene, as well as high standards in terms of learning and development. You’ll find it all at Celebree School of Germantown.

We offer a team of early childhood education experts, many of whom are parents too, who are focused on your child’s well-being. To do that, we stay up-to-date on and follow guidelines from our county health department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This includes ensuring our classrooms are regularly and thoroughly cleaned and sanitized from top to bottom. In addition, we also teach children good personal hygiene practices, like covering coughs and sneezes and washing hands properly. 

Beyond our focus on health and safety, we employ strict security measures. These include:

  • Closed circuit cameras to monitor our classrooms and our center.
  • Lockdown and emergency procedures in place.
  • Staff who are trained in CPR and First Aid beyond the Office of Child Care’s requirements.
  • Admittance policies that require photo identification for all parents and visitors.
  • A team of employees who have each been carefully screened with background checks performed before hiring.

Set Up Your Visit to Our Clarksburg Child Care Center!

Finding the right child care program in Clarksburg or another surrounding community for your child is a big decision. However, when you turn to Celebree School of Germantown, you can rest assured they’re in an environment that’s healthy, clean, and secure. That way, they can explore different worlds, make new friends, and achieve their potential in a way you have peace of mind about. It’s why so many families choose us for child care in:

If you’re ready for child care in Clarksburg, MD you can feel confident in, Celebree School of Germantown is a call away at (301) 540-4600!