Celebree News | Celebree School
Investing in People Power

Investing in People Power

How to strategically harness a forward-thinking people-first approach to business as a means to boosting profit and growth Article by Charlotte Smith, editor of Global Franchise Featuring Lisa Bricker, Chief Talent Officer at Celebree School Recruiting and retaining...
Celebree School: Leading Through Crisis

Celebree School: Leading Through Crisis

As we cautiously and safely come out of this health crisis, Celebree School has not only weathered, but thrived through this challenge. Right from the beginning, we’ve maintained support to the communities we serve: as an essential business, we’ve kept our doors open...

Week of the Young Child 2017

Celebrating Our Youngest Learners! During the week of April 24th – 28th , we will be celebrating the Week of the Young Child! The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Yong Children (NAEYC), the...

Celebree Learning Centers of Middletown, DE Now Open!

Celebree Learning Centers in Middletown, Delaware, is now open and enrolling children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years old, in all programs.  The nearly 10,000 square foot building is one of Celebree’s largest early learning centers and can serve 148 children....