Safe and Secure Child Care in Garrison, MD | Celebree School

For parents in Garrison, sending their little ones out into the world can always be a big step. With our child care programs at Celebree School® of Owings Mills, you’ll know your child has a soft, safe, and nurturing environment where they’re always cared for.

Our educators aren’t just teachers and care providers. Many of them are parents as well. We understand what a cherished responsibility it is to look after your little one—and we always go above and beyond to ensure they’re safe.

Let’s review how we prioritize safety and security through our child care programs in Garrison!

How We Ensure Safety and Security in Garrison, MD

Our programs offer a home away from home for kids in Garrison – a warm, welcoming environment where they can build their confidence, learn, and have fun. But we also make sure that every child is looked after as well. Here’s how we do that:

  • Safety. From infancy onwards, children are eager to explore the world around them. We understand how important it is to satisfy their natural curiosity while ensuring their safety is a priority. Our classrooms and outdoor play areas offer plenty of textures, shapes, and colors for kids to safely explore to their hearts’ content—all under the careful supervision of our trained and experienced educators.
  • Security. At Celebree School of Owings Mills, we take security very seriously. Access to our child care programs is limited and regulated, with a closed-circuit monitoring system that ensures we can always keep an eye out for anything unwelcome. Our carefully vetted educators are trained in security and safety measures, in addition to training in first aid and CPR. 
  • Hygiene. Cleanliness and hygiene help keep kids safe and comfortable, too! In addition to general hygiene measures to ensure that diapering areas, play areas, and eating spaces are kept separate, we also go above and beyond to maintain a high standard of cleanliness. You’ll see for yourself that our classrooms aren’t just vibrant with color—they’re also sparkling clean! 

Visit Our Child Care Classrooms With Your Little One

Discover the magic, joy, and safety of our child care classrooms! We encourage families to set up a visit to Celebree School of Owings Mills. We welcome little ones from:

  • Garrison
  • Reisterstown
  • Pikesville
  • Owings Mills
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Why not set up a visit to Celebree School of Owings Mills? To learn more about our child care programs in Garrison, you can call (410) 517-6096.