Infant Care in Fort Mill, SC: How We Support Early Development | Celebree School

For newborns and infants, now is a very special time of growth, development, and discovery. Having a supportive and safe environment, plus a dedicated caregiver to watch over them, is crucial. That’s what you can look forward to with infant care from Celebree School® of Fort Mill-Patricia Lane!

Our gentle and nurturing caregivers in Fort Mill know there’s no more precious responsibility than looking after your little one. We provide individualized infant care for each baby, ensuring they’re well-fed and getting plenty of rest while encouraging developmental milestones. Let’s take a look at how that works!

Supporting Developmental Milestones Through Dedicated Infant Care

Every month looks different for infants. It’s a time of rapid growth and change, which is why we have separate classrooms for babies of up to 9 months and infants of 9-18 months. That’s in addition to our personalized approach to infant care. For those under nine months, here’s how our caregivers in Fort Mill support developmental milestones:

  • The first months. In the first months after birth, your little one needs plenty of food, sleep, and care as they adjust to the outside world. We give infants the warm, one-on-one care and attention they need. Each infant is gently rocked to sleep and held during feeding times, so they have plenty of tactile contact with someone who truly cares. We also diligently keep track of diaper changes and all other updates for you!
  • Four to six months. When babies reach these months, they start to learn to manipulate their hands, faces, and bodies. You may see your little one roll over, reach for items, and even sit up on their own! We give them a safe, warm, and colorful environment so they can explore their motor skills. We also introduce simple sign language, so they can start to communicate even before they learn to speak!
  • Months seven to nine. At this age, your baby has energy, curiosity, and the appetite to explore the world even further! They may respond to familiar words and even start speaking. They may start to crawl, clap, and even pull themselves to a standing position. We start incorporating simple art projects so that they can experience different tactile sensations. Social play gets added to the mix, too!

Visit Our Warm and Welcoming Center in Fort Mill, SC

Make sure your little one has dedicated infant care at all times. To visit our wonderful and welcoming center in Fort Mill, contact us at (803) 455-2238.