Our early childhood development professionals at Celebree School provide trick-or-treating safety tips for you and your children to be mindful of as Halloween quickly approaches.
According to SafeKids.org, only one third of parents talk to their children about Halloween safety, despite the three out of four parents who report having Halloween safety fears. Although Halloween provides your children with memories to last a lifetime, this night of fun still requires the necessary safety preparation. Here are some Halloween safety tips to ensure that you and your family enjoy your Halloween while remaining safe.
- Remain visible. Only 18% of parents use reflective tape on their child’s costume. Yet, one of the biggest safety risks on Halloween is not being seen by motorists, bikers or other pedestrians. Try providing reflective clothing, carrying a flashlight and wearing glowing necklaces and/or bracelets to stand out in the dark. You may even consider attaching reflective tape to your costumes and trick-or-treating bags.
- Re-think your costumes. Certain components of a costumer can pose safety risks when trick-or-treating. Ensure that all shoes fit well and costumes are short enough to avoid tripping. As face masks often hinder or block eyesight, consider non-toxic makeup and decorative hats as alternatives. If your child’s costume includes a cane, sword or stick, be sure it is not sharp or exceptionally long, in order to avoid accidental injuries.
- Travel in groups. When venturing out on Halloween night, try to organize groups of at least 4-5 people. Ensure that there is an adult walking with every group that is trick-or-treating, and that each child has a buddy. Parent chaperones and the buddy system both work to ensure that no children will stray away from the group, get lost or left behind when making frequent stops.
- Stay in contact. When traveling in multiple groups, each adult should have a cell phone on-hand so it’s easy to communicate between groups. This way, if something comes up, another parent or group is easily reachable for assistance. Further, you can provide one child with a walkie-talkie and let them take turns speaking with the other group. It can be helpful to check on the other group every 30 minutes to 1 hour, to ensure that the night is running smoothly and coordinate trick-or-treating schedules.
- Visit well-lit homes. If a home does not have their lights on, they are most likely not home or not participating. Stick to the houses that look inviting.
- Inspect all treats. Once the trick-or-treating has come to an end, go through and only eat factory-wrapped treats that haven’t been altered in any way. Avoid anything that looks like it may have already been opened, homemade treats or loose candy.
- Stay healthy. Put a limit on your child’s candy intake and provide candy alternatives in your trick-or-treat bucket at home. Consider handing out coloring books or crackers and fruit packets to your neighborhood trick-or-treaters.
- Be cautious overall. Reiterate the importance of avoiding strangers, staying on the sidewalk and holding hands with the people in your group when necessary.
Halloween is a special time to enjoy with your family and friends. In practicing the right safety precautions, your trick-or-treating experience can be a safe and special occasion that your children remember for years to come. Don’t forget—every Celebree School celebrates Halloween too! Ask your school what they are planning for Halloween this year. Join us, be safe and have fun this Halloween! For more information, contact Celebree here.