Infant Care in McLean, VA: How We Support Early Development | Celebree School

Selecting an infant care program in the McLean area is a big decision. Your baby is precious and you want to give him or her the best start in life. At Celebree School® of Tysons-Jones Branch, you’ll find a warm, nurturing, and safe environment in which to do it. 

We offer teachers who are experienced and loving toward every infant entrusted to our care. We also support early learning through age-appropriate activities and specialized care designed around each little one. In the process, your child will grow by leaps and bounds in ways that make you proud. 

Infant Milestones and How We Help Your Child Reach Them

During the infant stage, children go from sleeping all the time to babbling, rolling over, crawling, cruising, walking, and so much more, often in just 12 short months. To support this kind of growth and development, your child needs experienced infant care in the McLean area.

At Celebree School of Tysons-Jones Branch, we offer this and will help your child each step of the way as they undergo this incredible transformation. We support growth during:

  • The first three months. In the first few months, your child will start to smile, raise their head, track and eventually grip objects, and open and shut their hands. Our team will be there to help them from the start as they learn to live in the outside physical world, so they’re meeting milestones while staying safe. We even assign them one primary caregiver who will provide one-on-one attention. 
  • From four to six months. Your baby will start becoming more involved in the world around them at this stage. They’ll start rolling over, babbling, grabbing objects, and sitting up. We have a safe and activity-filled environment, designed for infants to start developing fine and gross motor skills, language skills, and more.
  • From six to nine months. Your baby is nearly on the go, starting to crawl, sitting up without support, able to clap, and even responding to familiar words. Our trained and caring teachers will give them the support and encouragement they need as they go from scooting and cruising to toddling and eventually walking. 

Get Started with Infant Care in McLean, VA Today!

Whether you have an infant that’s six weeks old or six months old in the McLean area, let the team at Celebree School of Tysons-Jones Branch provide the safe, nurturing, and stimulating care they need at this special age. You can rest assured they are in experienced hands, receiving personalized attention that helps them thrive in:

  • McLean
  • Tysons
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Call Celebree School of Tysons-Jones Branch at (703) 663-4064 today to learn more about our infant care in McLean, VA and what sets us apart!