Daycare in Middle River, MD: Our Focus on Language and Literacy | Celebree School

Kindergarten can be a big leap for every kid—but preschool offers a vital stepping stone to ensure a smooth transition. At Celebree School® of Nottingham, our daycare programs help children prepare for kindergarten, fostering skills, independence, and confidence for little ones! For families in Middle River, it’s a great way to ensure your child can excel once they reach school.

We focus on teaching a variety of concepts, skills, and subjects, combining learning and fun to keep kids engaged. Let’s review how we teach language and literacy concepts!

How Our Daycare Incorporates Language and Literacy

When kids in Middle River reach kindergarten, it’s important for them to have a foundation in language and literacy. With a curriculum for every age and program, we make it easier for children to pick up early literacy concepts as well as language skills. Here are a few ways we incorporate these subjects into our preschool:

  • Building vocabulary. Vocabulary is a building block of language and literacy—not just picking up new words but understanding them, pronouncing them correctly, and using them effectively. At a preschool age, kids are primed to learn new words and deploy them around friends, family, and educators. We help kids build their vocabulary by encouraging questions and teaching a variety of subjects, including math, science, and arts!
  • A love of reading. When kids get excited about stories and reading, it can help them build a foundation for literacy and language. We encourage their interest in reading with regular storytime every day that’s engaging, fun, and stimulating. Playtime and art projects also help to foster kids’ imagination and creativity, helping them build stories and formulate ideas in their own heads! 
  • Letters and letter combinations. Our daycare programs in Middle River emphasize those skills and abilities needed to excel in kindergarten. That includes learning letters and letter combinations, crucial for literacy and language. We introduce kids to the alphabet, helping them recognize letters and letter combinations and encouraging them to practice their fine motor skills through writing.  

A Thriving Community in Middle River, MD

With our daycare programs, you’ll always be up-to-date on your little one’s progress and skills. Our teachers and staff are dedicated to helping your child excel. We offer a dynamic, friendly, and welcoming community for families in:

  • Middle River
  • Rosedale
  • Nottingham
  • Essex
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Get started with our wonderful daycare in Middle River! Call Celebree School of Nottingham at (410) 864-8226 to learn more.