Day Care in Westminster | Celebree School

With this dramatically different school year, you might be feeling overwhelmed about your child’s education. Let Celebree School® of Westminster Tech Court help you and your family navigate through this uncertain season. We’ve designed a new day care program for school-age children across Westminster, Deep Run and other nearby areas. It ensures those children learning virtually this year still have in-person educational support and attention, along with a safe, quiet place to learn.

What to Expect with Our School-Age Day Care Program

During this challenging time, Celebree School of Westminster Tech Court is excited to step up and help you and your family with our day care program for elementary-age children. Our program follows Maryland State Department of Education guidelines and offers:

  • Class sizes that are small with a limit of 14 children and one teacher. 
  • A personal locker, just like your child would have at school, where they can store their belongings. 
  • A private work station that ensures your son or daughter is given the quiet space they need to concentrate and complete their work. 
  • A supply basket on their work station, filled with pencils, crayons, a ruler, scissors and more. 

Beyond these supplies, we do ask you to send your child in each day with their laptop or tablet, along with headphones and a charger. This way, they can access their online learning platform easily and comfortably. You should also plan to provide any additional items your son or daughter needs to complete their work, such as a calculator or notebooks.

Keeping Children Safe in Our Westminster Day Care

At Celebree School of Westminster Tech Court, your child is our priority and we’ll make sure they’re in capable hands in a safe day care environment. Every day, we do this by performing temperature checks as soon as children come into our building. We also promote physical distancing and proper hand washing, while requiring teachers to wear face coverings. In addition, we wash and sanitize routinely throughout the day, maintaining a high level of cleanliness always.

Together, we’ll help your child to continue to learn, grow and reach their potential. Our new day care program is offered in:

To find out more or enroll your child in our Westminster day care program, contact our team at (410) 386-0601 as soon as possible. Space is limited!