Day Care in Ryan, VA | Celebree School

How We Introduce Kids To Social Studies

Kids are full of curiosity and questions about the world around them. It’s important to have a safe, nurturing, and friendly environment where they can explore those questions and get excited about learning. For families in Ryan and the surrounding communities, day care programs at Celebree School® of Ashburn Farm provide exactly that.

We foster independence, creativity, learning, and critical thinking—helping your little one get every advantage they deserve. Kids get to engage and learn about all kinds of subjects, from math and reading to social studies, science, and more. Let’s review how we introduce kids to social studies!

Helping Children Make Connections To The World Around Them

What kids learn at a young age can inform their interests for a long time to come! That’s why we help kids foster their natural curiosity about all kinds of topics, including social studies. This subject gives little ones a better understanding of the world around them and the people in it, so they’re more equipped to interact with peers, family, and their community. 

Through our programs in Ryan, here are a few ways we accomplish that:

  • Socialization. Day care is often the first time kids spend dedicated time with each other, playing, learning, exploring, and working together. It’s incredibly valuable for building social skills and helping children understand each other. We incorporate group activities to foster that.
  • Problem-solving. We help our pre-schoolers cultivate the early tools and skills they need for positive interactions with others. We don’t just encourage social time with their peers. Kids also learn to problem-solve, work together, and treat others with respect, so they’re not just interacting but fostering connections with those around them. 
  • Class trips. There’s nothing better than first-hand learning, and our class trips are a wonderful opportunity to achieve that. Through safe and protected trips to the outside world, our little ones learn about the neighborhoods, communities, and people around them!

Come and Visit Our Wonderful Day Care in Ryan, VA! 

With our day care experience, we don’t just teach subjects in isolation—we make meaningful connections between all 7 Domains of Learning, including social studies, literacy, science, math, and so much more! We’re delighted to help kids from across the region gain the advantages they need for school and life. We welcome families from:

  • Ryan
  • Ashburn
  • Ashburn Farm
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Why not set up a visit to our day care in Ryan? Contact Celebree School of Ashburn Farm at (703) 879-2452 to experience one of our programs with your little one!