Day Care in Laurel, MD: How We Foster Mathematical Thinking | Celebree School

At Celebree School® of Laurel, our aim is to develop the whole child, including their mathematical abilities. In fact, mathematical thinking is a core part of our curriculum right from the start. At our day care, serving children in Laurel, Russett, and nearby areas in MD, we use hands-on, fun-filled activities and projects to instill math skills, from counting and measuring to recognizing shapes and patterns. As a result, your child will have a solid mathematical foundation. Here’s how we do it.

How Our Day Care Instills Early Math Skills

At Celebree School of Laurel, our day care integrates the Seven Domains of Learning into our curriculum, with one of those domains being Mathematical Thinking. This enables us to dig into the world of math and make it fun for children by connecting it to their everyday life. 

We even bring math skills into other domains, like social and emotional learning, the arts, and language and communication, so they are applying math in all areas of their lives. In the process, we focus on:

  • Number sense. Number sense is a critical part of early math learning. From counting toes to counting down days to holidays, we bring it to life in interesting and engaging ways, so children are motivated to learn and reach milestones as they do.
  • Spatial awareness. This is how children perceive the world around them and we help them make sense of it by teaching them about sizes, shapes, surfaces, points, and lines. We also cover topics like near and far and distance and even dive into directional skills as children get older.
  • Measuring. This is just another core part of mathematical thinking every person needs in school and in life. From weighing objects to measuring time, we cover it all, helping children think in mathematically creative ways to make connections, solve problems, and gain key skills. 

Come Visit Our Day Care in Laurel, MD!

Celebree School of Laurel is ready to extend a warm welcome to your special child in our day care. When they’re with us, you can rest assured they are learning in a hands-on, holistic way, with a focus on vital areas, including mathematical thinking. In fact, we make math fun for children at all stages and ages in:

Call Celebree School of Laurel at (301) 356-9126 if you have questions about our approach to teaching math or would like to set up a visit to our day care in Laurel, MD.