Day Care in Germantown | Celebree School

The school year ahead presents many challenges. However, the team at Celebree School® of Germantown can help you and your family navigate your way through them all with ease. In fact, we’re excited to offer a newly designed day care program for school-age children in Germantown, Clarksburg and nearby areas. Our new program is ideal for those elementary-age, virtual learners because it provides them with the educational space and academic attention and support they need to thrive, despite these challenging times.

What to Expect with Our School-Age Day Care Program

Even though the year ahead is filled with uncertainty, you don’t want your child to fall behind. When you enroll them in Celebree School of Germantown’s day care program for elementary-age children, you can rest assured they’ll continue to meet milestones and learn without interruption. Our program adheres to guidelines from the Maryland State Department of Education and also offers:

  • Classes with a limit of 14 students and one teacher.
  • A personal locker, giving your child a dedicated space in which they can store their supplies and belongings.
  • A work station to provide your son or daughter with a private area to focus and complete their studies. 
  • A personal basket of supplies filled with essentials, like crayons, pencils, scissors, a ruler and more, on their work station.

We only ask you send in your child’s laptop or tablet, along with a charger and headphones, so they can access their school’s online learning platform without issue. You should also plan to send in any specific materials your child needs for their school work, like notebooks or folders. 

Keeping Children Safe in Our Germantown Day Care

At Celebree School of Germantown, we understand times are stressful for many families. That’s why we’re here to help you manage more easily with this new day care program. The virtual learner day care is a program that’s educational, nurturing and puts safety first. For instance, we require teachers to wear face coverings, perform daily temperature checks, and promote physical distancing and hand hygiene. We also wash and sanitize routinely throughout the day to ensure a high level of cleanliness.

Together, we’ll support your child through this unique year so they have everything they need to soar into the next. This new day care program is offered in:

To find out more or enroll your child in Celebree School of Germantown’s day care, contact our team at (301) 540-4600 as soon as possible. Space is limited!