Get Virtual Learning Help at Our Day Care in Frederick | Celebree School

This is a different kind of school year; one full of unique challenges and new demands. Let Celebree School® of Frederick help you and your child manage your way through it all. We offer a newly developed day care program for school-age children across Frederick, Ballenger Creek, and other nearby areas. Our program provides your virtual learner with the academic attention and educational environment they need to get their school work done. In the process, you’ll gain more peace of mind about the year ahead.

What to Expect with Our School-Age Day Care Program

Despite these unprecedented times, you don’t want your child to fall behind. However, as a busy parent, it’s difficult to provide the level of support they need to stay on track. To help local families navigate their way, Celebree School of Frederick is excited to offer a new day care program for elementary-age children. Our program follows mandates from the Maryland State Department of Education and offers:

  • Classes with no more than 14 students and one teacher per room. 
  • A personal locker to store belongings and a private work station so your child can focus and learn. 
  • A basket of personal supplies, right on their work station and filled with everything from pencils, crayons and Post-its to a ruler, scissors and more.

Celebree School of Frederick provides many essentials–from teacher support to a quiet place to learn. However, we do ask you to send in your child’s tablet or laptop, along with a charger and headphones, so they can comfortably and quietly access their school’s online educational platform. We also ask that you send in any other specific materials they might need, like a binder, notebook or folder.

Keeping Children Safe at Our Day Care

Safety is the top priority at Celebree School of Frederick. We will help your child continue to reach age-appropriate milestones, all in a secure, clean environment. This includes through requirements for social distancing, daily temperature checks, regular hand washing, and face coverings for all teachers. We also wash and disinfect every classroom, as well as high touch surfaces, throughout the day to maintain a healthy place to learn. 

With our new school-age day care program, together, we’ll help your child manage their way through these challenging times and continue to thrive. Our program is available in:

To find out more or enroll your child in Celebree School of Frederick’s day care, contact our team at (301) 620-9990 as soon as possible. Space is limited!