Day Care in Frederick Spring Ridge | Celebree School

This school year looks much different compared to past ones. However, you can keep your child on track with help from Celebree School® of Frederick Spring Ridge. We’re offering a new day care program for school-age children who are learning virtually across Frederick Spring Ridge and other nearby areas. This program will provide the support and space your son or daughter needs to grow academically and socially, all while meeting key milestones in the year ahead. 

What to Expect with Our School-Age Day Care Program

This is an especially stressful school year for parents of elementary-age children and why we developed our new day care program. It helps children get the academic attention and quiet space they need to succeed as a virtual learner. Our program also follows guidelines from the Maryland State Department of Education and offers:

  • Small class sizes with a 14-student cap and one teacher in each room.
  • A personal locker that gives your child a space for their belongings.
  • A private work station so your son or daughter can concentrate and finish their work without interruption. 
  • A supply basket provided on each work station, ensuring easy access to items, like pencils, a sharpener, crayons, scissors and more.

In terms of technology, we do ask parents to send in their child’s laptop or tablet, as well as earphones and a charger, so they can log onto their existing online school platform. We also ask that you send in any other specific items your child needs during their school day, such as a notebook or calculator. 

Keeping Children Safe in Our Frederick Spring Ridge Day Care

At Celebree School of Frederick Spring Ridge, our school-age day care program ensures your child can continue on their educational journey in a setting that puts safety first. Each day, we perform temperature checks, promote physical distancing and regular hand washing, and require each teacher and staff member to wear a mask. We also routinely clean and sanitize classrooms and high touch surface areas to maintain a healthy environment.

Together, we’ll help your child continue to learn and develop in new and exciting ways with our school-age day care program, open in:

  • Frederick Spring Ridge
  • New Market
  • And throughout the surrounding area

To find out more or enroll your child in Celebree School of Frederick Spring Ridge’s day care, contact our team at (301) 668-9881 as soon as possible. Space is limited!