Get Virtual Learning Help at Our Bel Air Day Care | Celebree School

This school year is unlike any other. The good news is there are ways to keep your child learning, growing and thriving. One of them is with help from Celebree School® of Bel Air. We offer a newly designed day care program for children who are school-age across Bel Air, Churchville and other nearby areas. Our program ensures you and your child both get the support you need to navigate through the unique year ahead.

What to Expect with Our School-Age Day Care Program

Celebree School of Bel Air is dedicated to offering a safe, nurturing, fun-filled day care environment to children enrolled virtually in elementary school. If your son or daughter is a virtual learner this year, we can help them through the process, in order to stay on track and continue to meet key milestones. Our program follows guidelines from the Maryland State Department of Education and offers:

  • Small class sizes with a maximum of 14 students and one teacher. 
  • A private locker and dedicated work area that ensures your child has a quiet space in which to concentrate and learn. 
  • A personal basket of their own supplies, including scissors, crayons, colored pencils, Post-its, pencils, a ruler and a sharpener. 

While Celebree School of Bel Air does provide many supplies, we ask that you send in your child’s laptop or tablet, as well as a charger and headphones. This will enable them to access their online learning platform in a way that’s quiet and comfortable for them. We also ask that you send in any other specific supplies they may need, such as a notebook, folders or calculator. 

Keeping Children Safe in Our Bel Air Day Care

You can count on the team at Celebree School of Bel Air to help your son or daughter learn and stay safe within this new day care program. Each day, we perform temperature checks, promote social distancing, encourage regular hand washing, and require teachers to wear face coverings. We also routinely clean and disinfect every classroom throughout the day to ensure a healthy environment.

Together, we can get through these challenging times and help your child continue to learn, grow and thrive. Our new school-age day care program is available in:

To find out more or enroll your child in Celebree School of Bel Air’s day care, contact our team at (410) 803-8435 as soon as possible. Space is limited!