Day Care Center in Montgomeryville, PA: How We Encourage Creativity | Celebree School

Little kids are often brimming with curiosity, imagination, and creativity, and it’s important to tap into those great qualities! At Celebree School® of Montgomeryville, that’s exactly what we do. Our day care center offers a colorful, fun, and nurturing environment where children can get creative, make art, and let their imaginations soar.

Creativity can be a powerful form of self-expression at a young age, giving children the chance to communicate their ideas and emotions. It also has practical benefits, helping kids hone their fine motor skills, practice problem-solving, and learn communication skills. Let’s review how our day care center helps little ones make a splash with their art!  

How Our Day Care Center Taps Into Creativity

At Celebree School of Montgomeryville, art, creativity, and imagination are integrated into every program. Here’s how kids get the chance to unleash their imaginations:

  • A piece of art every day. At our day care center, there’s always time to make art! It starts as early as their toddler years: even at this age, kids are encouraged to complete an art project per day! This helps them to exercise their imaginations while developing fine motor skills and other abilities.
  • Creating space for every kind of art. Different kids may gravitate towards different types of art. We make it easier for every child to find their outlet of choice, incorporating a wide variety of arts into our programs. That includes music and singing, dance, visual arts, and theater.
  • Making connections across subjects. When kids are engaged and excited, it can be easier for them to learn, think, and create. We make connections between all STEAM subjects (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math), so kids can build their problem-solving skills and creativity across disciplines.

Help Your Child Soar With Celebree School of Montgomeryville

At Celebree School of Montgomeryville, we’re dedicated to helping every child thrive. We know how important it is for kids to create, explore, imagine, think, learn, and have fun! Even our classrooms are full of wonder and imagination, with different textures, colors, and shapes for children to discover.

Why not visit our day care center for yourself? We invite you and your child to visit our classrooms, see our educators at work, and ask any questions you have.

Help your child explore their own creativity and imagination! To set up a visit with our day care center, simply contact Celebree School of Montgomeryville at (267) 827-3642.