Celebree Connect May 19th | Celebree School

Hey there Celebree Families!

We’re excited to bring you another ‘Celebree Connect’. My name is Stefanie Shurer, and I have the privilege to bring our Celebree curriculum to your home each day! Whether you are at home with your child or just want some added activities to engage with your child, here is where you can support your child’s development on a daily basis. Each day, Monday – Friday, you can meet me at 9:00am 10 – 15min connection. This is meant to be engaging and interactive for your children. This is a suggested schedule and activities for you and your child to complete together today.

Morning Meeting: Good Morning, Conscious Discipline Breathing Technique, Pledge of Allegiance, Calendar, Weather, Jobs @ Home, Read Aloud (If You Give a Moose a Muffin – Making Predictions)

Daily Schedule:
– 9:00am – Morning Meeting & Connection w/ Ms. Stefanie
-10:00am – Gross Motor Activity – What Does It Land On Shape Edition – Draw shapes on the driveway (including less known ones) and toss a bean bag or balled up sock to the shape as it is called out

-11:00am – STEAM Experience – ART – Find items from nature that would be good paint brushes (leaves, grass blades) and use them to  dip in paint and paint a unique flower

-12:00pm – Question of the Day – What animals would make a great driver?  Why?

-3:00pm – Writing & Drawing Activity – Write each letter from your name on a plastic water bottle lid, mix them up and then spell your name

Please feel free to use this schedule and included activities/experiences to support your child’s development and engagement with Celebree and your family.

Stefanie Shurer 