Celebree Connect June 11th | Celebree School

Hey There Celebree Families!

We’re excited to bring you another ‘Celebree Connect’. My name is Stefanie Shurer, and I have the privilege to bring our Celebree curriculum to your home each day! Whether you are at home with your child or just want some added activities to engage with your child, here is where you can support your child’s development on a daily basis. Each day, Monday – Friday, you can meet me at 9:00am 10 – 15min connection. This is meant to be engaging and interactive for your children. This is a suggested schedule and activities for you and your child to complete together today.

Morning Meeting: Good Morning, Conscious Discipline Breathing Technique, Pledge of Allegiance, Calendar, Weather, Jobs @ Home, Read Aloud (Thump, Quack, Moo – Favorite Part)

Daily Schedule:
– 9:00am – Morning Meeting & Connection w/ Ms. Stefanie
-10:00am – Gross Motor Activity – Play ‘Jump the Stream’ by placing 2 jump ropes or towels to resemble sides of a stream, then practice jumping across to the other side.  Make the stream wider and wider as you make the jump each time.  Don’t land in the water!

-11:00am – STEAM Experience – MATH – Call family members to determine the type and number of pets they have.  Once you have at least 10 pets accounted for, make a graph.  Which pet does your family have more or less of?

-12:00pm – What would make a better pet, a giraffe or a rhinoceros?  Why?

-3:00pm – Writing & Drawing Activity – Look in magazines for the letters in your name.  Cut them out and glue them to a piece of paper and make it into a name tent for your eating place at your table

Please feel free to use this schedule and included activities/experiences to support your child’s development and engagement with Celebree and your family.

Stefanie Shurer 