The Value of Preschool Education | Celebree School

The merits of enrolling children in preschool has been debated throughout the country, but research has stressed the cognitive, social, and emotional value that preschool has for young children.

Studies have shown that early education goes a long way to preparing children for kindergarten and primary schooling. As the National Institute for Early Education Research Director W. Steven Barnett, PhD, says, “Children who attend high-quality preschool enter kindergarten with better pre-reading skills, richer vocabularies and stronger basic math skills than those who do not.” A well-balanced preschool program will help increase your child’s competency in all the major subject areas. Besides these obvious cognitive benefits, the child development professionals at Celebree Learning Centers have provided a list of benefits that stem from choosing to enroll your child in a preschool or early education program

Independence and Self-reliance

As children leave the stages of infancy, their self-reliance should begin to increase. It is important for children to learn how to function separate from their parents, and preschool is one of their first opportunities to do so for short periods of time.

Preschool helps to prepare children for longer periods of separation in kindergarten. These programs also help children learn to trust adults outside of their parental unit, and create an attachment to places and people outside the family home. Children in preschool and prekindergarten programs also learn to follow directions–like washing hands and putting away toys and belongings–on their own, improving their sense of self-reliance and independence.

Social Skills

Attending preschool helps children learn “group manners,” and other acceptable behaviors such as raising hands, waiting in line, being kind to others and working cooperatively with peers. Children begin to learn how to interact with peers and other adults, and can do so in a safe environment, giving them the chance to celebrate their successes and learn from their mistakes.

Creativity and Curiosity

A preschool teacher’s job is to encourage children to think and ask questions about their environment. Most children have already begun doing this upon entering preschool, but a preschool environment is organized in such a way that even seemingly inconsequential moments can be turned into learning experiences.

As it has been well-established that young children learn best through play, as opposed to structured lessons, a strong preschool program will provide children with plenty of chances to do so. Children will get the chance to play dress up, take on new roles, work in teams, and explore their world in a safe, fun and meaningful way.

Motor Skills

At this age, your child’s motor skills are beginning to improve. Preschool provides opportunities to sharpen these skills even more. Children in preschool programs learn to handle pencils and scissors, and hone fine motor skills through activities like lacing and pincer grip experiences. Activities are often structured so that children are active through most of the day, further enhancing their gross motor skills.

At Celebree, we balance work and play within your child’s preschool experience, helping to foster both social and cognitive skills throughout the process. Help create a strong foundation for your child’s educational career by enrolling them in one of our Maryland State Education Department-aligned programs.